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Empirical Distribution and Descriptive Statistics

Let \(X_1 , X_2 , X_3 .... , X_n \sim X\) be iid samples. Let \(\#(X_i = t)\) denote the number of times \(t\) occurs in the samples. The emperical distribution is the discrete distribution with PMF

\[ p(t) = \frac{\#(X_i = t)}{n} \]
Is the empirical distribution random?
  • Yes , it depends on the actual sample instances
  • \(t\) and \(p(t)\) may change from one sampling to another.
  • Example : 20 \(\text{Bernoulli}(p)\) samples.

Properties of Empirical Distribution

  • Mean (\(\mu\)) of the distribution.
  • Variance (\(\sigma^2\)) of the distribution.
  • Probability of an event


As number of samples increases , the properties of the emperical distribution should become close to that of the original distribution.

Sample Mean

Let \(X_1 , X_2 , ...... X_n\) be iid samples. The sample mean , denoted \(\overline{X}\) , is defined to be the random variable.

\[\overline{X} = \frac{X_1 + X_2 + X_3 + ...... + X_n}{n}\]

Expected Value and Variance

\[E[\overline{X}] = \mu , \text{Var}(\overline{X}) = \frac{\sigma ^2}{n}\]

Expected value of a sample means equals the expected value of mean of distribution

  • Mean of Distribution: constant real number and not random
  • Sample Mean: random variable with mean equal to distribution mean

Variance of sample mean decreases with \(n\)

As \(n\) increases :-

  • Variance of sample mean tends to zero
  • The spread of sample mean will decrease
  • Sample mean will take values close the distribution mean

Sample Variance

Let \(X_1 , X_2 , ...... X_n\) be iid samples. The sample variance, denoted \(S^2\) , is defined to be the random variable.

\[S^2 = \frac{(X_1 - \overline{X})^2 + (X_2 - \overline{X})^2 + .... + (X_n - \overline{X})^2}{n-1}\]

where \(\overline{X}\) is the sample mean.

Expected Value of Sample Variance

Let \(X_1 , X_2 , ...... X_n\) be iid samples whose distribution has a finite variance \(\sigma^2\). The sample variance \(S^2\) has expected value given by


Expected value of sample variane equals the variance of the distribution

  • Variance of distribution: constant real number and not random
  • Sample Variance: random variable with mean equal to distribution variance

Values of sample variance , on average , give the variance of the distribution

  • Variance of sample variance will decrease with the number of samples (generally)
  • As \(n\) increases , sample variance takes values close the distribution variance

Sample Proportion

The sample proportion of \(A\) , denoted \(S(A)\) , is defined as

\[S(A) = \frac{\# (X_i \text{ for which A is true})}{n}\]

Expectation and Variance of Sample Proportion

Let \(X_1 , X_2 , ...... X_n\) be iid samples whose distribution of \(X\). Let \(A\) be an event defined using \(X\) and let \(P(A)\) be the probability of \(A\). The sample proportion of \(A\) , denoted \(S(A)\) , has expected value and variance given by

\[E[S(A)] = P(A) , Var(S(A)) = \frac{P(A)(1 - P(A))}{n}\]

As \(n\) increases , values of S(A) will be close to P(A).

Sum of Independent Random Variables

Let \(X_1 , X_2 , ...... X_n\) be random variables. Let \(S = X_1 + X_2 +..... + X_n\) be their sum. Then,

\[E[S] = E[X_1] + E[X_2]+ ..... E[X_n]\]

If \(X_1 , X_2 ... X_n\) are pairwise uncorrelated, then

\[Var(S) = Var(X_1) + Var(X_2) + .... Var(X_n)\]
What is Pairwaise Uncorrelated
\[E[X_i X_j] = E[X_i] E[X_j]\]

for all \(i,j\) where \(i \neq j\)

Weak Law of Large Numbers

\[X_1 , X_2 ......X_n \sim \text{iid }X\]

Let \(\mu = E[X]\) , \(\sigma^2 = Var(X)\)

Sample Mean: \(\overline{X} =\frac{X_1 + X_2 + ... X_n}{n}\)

Expected value : \(\mu\) , Variance : \(\frac{\sigma^2}{n}\)

Weak Law

\[P(|\overline{X} - \mu|> \delta) \leq \frac{\sigma^2}{n \delta^2}\]


  • With Probability more than \(1 - \frac{\sigma^2}{n \delta^2}\) lies in \([\mu - \delta , \mu + \delta]\)

  • \(\delta > \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}\)


For Bernoulli(p) samples

\[1 - \frac{p(1-p)}{n\delta^2}\]

sample mean lies in \([p - \delta , p + \delta]\)

Discrete Uniform

For \(\text{Uniform}\{-M, .... M\}\) samples

\[1 - \frac{M(M+1)}{3n\delta^2}\]

sample mean lies in \([-\delta , \delta]\)


For \(\text{Normal}(0 , \sigma^2)\)

\[1 - \frac{\sigma^2}{n\delta^2}\]

sample mean lies in \([-\delta , \delta]\)

Continuous Uniform

For \(\text{Uniform}[-A , A]\) samples

\[1 - \frac{A^2}{3n\delta^2}\]

sample mean lies in \([-\delta , \delta]\)